ISA Forum of Sociology in Rabat, Morocco, July 6 to 11, 2025
There are few days left to submit your abstract for the 5th ISA Forum of Sociology. The submission deadline is October 15, 2024 (24:00 UTC), with no extensions, so be sure to submit your abstract on time! Do not miss the opportunity to join us at the #ISAforum25.
In this on-site-only event at the Faculty of Education, Mohammed V University you can engage in discussions on Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty by submitting an abstract to one of the 18 sessions of TG04. You can find Instructions [here].
Aiste & Jens
RN22 Midterm Conference
The conference will be held at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands in the fall of 2025. Keep posted for more information later this year!
Volume 26 (5-6)
Knowing, coping and intervening amid risk governance regimes
Baillergeau, E., Veltkamp, G., Bröer, C., Helleve, A., Kulis, E., Lien, N., … Klepp, K. I. (2024). Democratising participatory health promotion: power and knowledge involved in engaging European adolescents in childhood obesity prevention. Health, Risk & Society, 26(5–6), 201–221.
Davis, M. D. M., Schermuly, A., Rajkhowa, A., Hardefeldt, L., Thursky, K., & Flowers, P. (2024). Risk individualisation and moral injury in the treatment of infection as impediments to the tackling of antimicrobial resistance. Health, Risk & Society, 26(5–6), 222–239.
The structures and effect of risk discourses
Durocher, M. (2024). Food, bodies, health (risks): the biopolitics of organic materiality testing in the context of diet-associated health risk management practices. Health, Risk & Society, 26(5–6), 260–281.
Morgan, T., Pilimatalawwe, D., Morgan, K., Duschinsky, R., Gott, M., & Wiles, J. (2024). ‘Assessing my risk and that of my whānau is my right’: a longitudinal media analysis of risk and COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand news media. Health, Risk & Society, 26(5–6), 282–300.
SoRU Newsletter
The Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty (SoRU) newsletter is for members and others interested in the activities of the ESA Research Network (RN22) and ISA Thematic Group (TG04) on the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty.

We would like to thank all of you who helped to make this conference a success for RN22!
With 13 sessions and several joint-sessions RN22 was well-represented at the Porto conference. The business-meeting was attended by 25 participants. During the meeting we welcomed several new board members (welcome Maja, Fernanda and Guadalupe!), said our goodbyes to Kirill and thanked Maria Grazia for her spirited work as a coordinator of RN22 during a rough period for us all. With the installation of an Advisory Board we are now able to retain our institutional memory for sure. Bert de Graaff and Veronica Moretti were elected as coordinator and co-coordinator of RN22 for the upcoming term (for which we feel honored for sure).
Bert & Veronica
Stay in touch!
Visit our website or subscribe to the email list by sending an email with the text ‘subscribe esa-soru’ to degraaff[at]
Follow the research network on Twitter @RiskUncertainty, or join our Linkedin Group.
Patrik Aspers (2024). Uncertainty: Individual Problems and Public Solutions, Oxford University Press (open access).
Andreas Klinke (2024). A Theory of Uncertainty – Perspectives in Philosophy, Social Sciences, and Risk Research. Routledge.
Alan Petersen (2024). Pandemic Societies – A Critical Public Health Perspective. Bristol University Press.
Ian Scoones (2024). Navigating Uncertainty: Radical Rethinking for a Turbulent World, Polity Books.
Manca, Terra A, Laura A Aylsworth, S. Michelle Driedger, and Shannon E. MacDonald. (2024). “‘It’s Really Embarrassing […] to Ask for Help:’ Navigating Invisible and Intersecting Inequities in Barriers to Getting Vaccinated.” Journal of Risk Research. pp. 1-16.
Murphy, Raymond. 2024. “What is undermining climate change mitigation? How fossil-fuelled practices challenge low-carbon transitions” in Energy Research and Social Science Vol 108 February 2024
Soytemel E. and Saglam E. (2024). Conspiratorial narratives as cultural repertoires and methodological tools – The British Journal of Sociology – Wiley Online Library
Turnbough, M.L. (2024) “Grappling with Chance in a Changing World: Towards a Typology and Understanding of Fortune,” Sociological Quarterly, 65(1), pp. 85-104.