ISA Forum of Sociology in Rabat, Marocco, July 6 to 11, 2025
ISA Forum of Sociology in Rabat, Morocco, July 6 to 11, 2025
The program coordinators of TG04 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty are seeking suggestions for sessions at the next Forum of Sociology.
Please propose your sessions for TG04 for the Forum by 1st of July via ISA platform:
Also, please contact Aiste Balzekiene ( or Jens Zinn ( no later than 31 May 2024 with your suggestions for other formats (such as keynotes, joined sessions, panel sessions, joined sessions) for the Forum. Please have a look at the conference website for available formats.
We are looking forward to receiving your ideas and suggestions.
Jens & Aiste
Upcoming Event at United Nations HQ in New York
Protection of Civilians Side Event
“Advancing Gender-Transformative and Gender-Responsive Approaches in Protection Interventions: Trafficking, Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Financial Exclusion”
13:15 – 14.30, Wednesday 22nd May 2024
Venue: Room CR11, United Nations Headquarters, 801 1st Avenue, New York NY10017
Click on the link above for more information and registration (please register by Monday 20th May)
Latest issue of
Health, Risk & Society
Volume 26 (1/2)
Risk rituals and embodied risk work
Ultrasound scans as risk rituals in obstetric prenatal care in South Africa
Nicole Daniels
Exploring the HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) risk rituals: individualisation, uncertainty and social iatrogenesis
Roberto Rubem da Silva-Brandao & Aurea Maria Zöllner Ianni
‘I have really learned how to smile with my eyes’. Risk work and embodied care practices among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark
Frederik Jacques Paulsen, Patrick Stypinsky Rasmussen & Barbara Fersch
Different health professionals and their approaches to risk
Managing uncertainty in multidisciplinary renal team meetings: decision-making processes and complex challenges in kidney transplant listing
Melania Calestani, Paul Roderick, Sarah Tonkin-Crine, Rishi Pruthi, Rommel Ravanan & Geraldine M. Leydon
Antimicrobial resistance in the risk society – a Danish study on how veterinarians and human medical doctors construct risk through blaming
Carsten Strøby Jensen
In memoriam
Nina Hallowell, 4th november 1957 – 28th June 2023: a risk researcher who explored the ways in which genetics touches human lives
Andy Alaszewski
RN22 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty aims to provide a forum for debating research on how risks are perceived, constructed, managed, communicated and/or neglected in relation to recent (global) crises and ongoing transformations.
We received 70 submissions and the accepted abstracts went through a thorough review process.
So it looks like we will have a large number of sessions for RN22 as well as 3 Joint sessions.
JS_RN12_RN22_I – Risk and challenges of nuclear energy in the framework of sustainability and environmental change
JS_RN12_RN22_II – Environmental risk perception across Europe,
JS_RN16_RN22 – Algorithms in action: opportunities, risks and perspectives in medicine
Maria Grazia and Bert are busy developing the sessions and information on these sessions will become available on the conference website in mid-June.
The overall schedule is now available here.
Please note the RN22 business meeting will take place at lunchtime on Thursday 29th August. Please note this in your agendas!!

Visit our website or contact us directly at: p.r.brown[at]
Follow the research network on Twitter @RiskUncertainty
Angharad Smith, Leona Vaughn, Toni Cela, Louis Herns Marcelin, Margaret Ohia-Nowak, Charu Hogg, and Ronny Marty
Modern Slavery and Financial Exclusion: Exploring CrisisRelated Risks for Men
New York: United Nations University
See also the policy brief from this report.
Nisrine Zerdoug & Abdeljabbar Arrach (2024) La Question de la liberté et la sécurité au Maroc en temps de crises multiples et simultanées. Bureau de la Fondation Au Maroc / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Raymond Murphy (2021) The Fossil-Fuelled climate Crisis: Foresight or Discounting Danger? Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Springer Natureg
Brown, P., Scrivener, A., Calnan, M. (2024) The co-construction and emotion management of hope within psychosis services. Frontiers in Sociology doi:10.3389/fsoc.2023.1270539
de Graaff, B., Rutz, S., Stoopendaal, A., & van de Bovenkamp, H. (2024). Involving citizens in regulation: A comparative qualitative study of four experimentalist cases of participatory regulation in Dutch healthcare, Regulation & Governance,
Meyer, S.B., Brown, P., Calnan, M., Ward, P.R., Little, J., Betini, G.S., Perlman, C.M., Burns, K.E. & Filice, E. (2024) Development and validation of the Trust in Multidimensional Healthcare Systems Scale (TIMHSS). International Journal for Equity in Health
Murphy, R. (2024) What is undermining climate change mitigation? How fossil-fuelled practices challenge low carbon transitions. Energy Research and Social Science 108 doi:10.1016/j.erss.2023.103390
Van de Bovenkamp, Hester, Bert de Graaff & Roland Bal (2024). The Patient Representation Struggle during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Missed Opportunities for Resilient Healthcare Systems, Health Expectations, 27(1),
Zinn, J. O. (2024) Risk-taking and social inequality. Journal of Sociology, 60(2), 364-381. doi:10.1177/14407833231162865