Will open soon… a call for a special issue of Journal of Risk Research (JRR) on Intersectional Analysis of risk, edited by Katarina Giritli Nygren, Anna Olofsson and Susanna Öhman. The call invites insights and viewpoints from scholars regarding intersectional analyses of risks associated with inequality on an individual, group or community level, including analyses of individual perception and behaviour, policy, …
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Understandings of risk permeate end-of-life (EOL) care contexts. In addition to the risk of bodily death, patients, family and healthcare providers face spiritual and communication risks during EOL care. The Western biomedical healthcare model is an objectivist, curative framework focusing on fixing the body; this cultural notion limits communication regarding physical illness. Existing work argues …
Read more “Difficult dialogues about death: applying risk orders theory to analyse chaplains’ provision of end-of-life care”
Risk governance and governmentality Problematising older motherhood in Canada: ageism, ableism, and the risky maternal subject This article examines how older motherhood and older mothers are problematised and represented in key Canadian policy texts on ‘delayed childbearing’ and ‘advanced maternal age’. Drawing on critical disability studies and feminist scholarship on motherhood, we identify three kinds …
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Public health and individual health care are increasingly oriented towards managing risks. This ‘surveillance medicine’ does not target present illnesses but aims to prevent possible future conditions, greatly expanding the number of people implicated in medical interventions. In this paper, I interrogate the everyday experience of being at risk of illness. First, I suggest that …
Read more “Conceptualising the experience of health risk: the case of everyday management of elevated cholesterol”
Risk governance and governmentality ‘The ones who die are lost and the survivors are what we have’: neoliberal governmentality and the governance of Covid-19 risk in social media posts in Turkey This study focuses on understanding and explaining the technologies that affect the governance of the risk of Covid-19 in Turkey. To assess how this …
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Living with risk and everyday sense-making ‘It’s like getting your car checked’: the social construction of diabetes risk among participants in a population study In western industrialised societies, asymptomatic individuals are increasingly labelled as at-risk of future illness and targeted for public health interventions. These at-risk people are identified through health checks, population studies and …
Read more “‘It’s like getting your car checked’: the social construction of diabetes risk among participants in a population study”