Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty – Newsletter 01 of 2024

ISA Forum of Sociology in Rabat, Marocco, July 6 to 11, 2025 ISA Forum of Sociology in Rabat, Morocco, July 6 to 11, 2025 The program coordinators of TG04 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty are seeking suggestions for sessions at the next Forum of Sociology. Please propose your sessions for TG04 for the Forum by …

ISA LinkedIn + Call for Sessions #ISAforum25

Dear Communication Managers, We are thrilled to share two important news with you and kindly request your support in spreading them. 1. The ISA is now officially on LinkedIn! We have expanded our digital presence to this professional network in April! Your help in sharing this update within your research groups would be highly appreciated. …

RN22/TG04 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty quarterly newsletter.

Dear colleagues, I hope this email finds you all well. This is just one last reminder/request, please, for items to compile into our next RN22/TG04 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty quarterly newsletter. If you have information you would like to share with the networks – for example regarding online workshops, conferences, new publications, expressions of …

Reminder for the ESA earlybird deadline (ESA conference in Porto)

Dear colleagues, I hope this email finds you all well. First, a quick reminder that if you are going to the ESA conference in Porto, tomorrow is the deadline for earlybird (i.e. cheaper) registrations. You can register via Then, as usual, we are keen to receive items to compile into our next RN22/TG04 Sociology …

Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty – Newsletter 02 of 2023

ESA RN22/ISA TG04  MidTerm Conference 2023 Uncertain times, unsettled lives? Complex risks and uncertainties in times of crises26 & 27 October 2023University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg Update from the ConferenceThe last MidTerm Conference was a great success with 47 participants, 37 presentations and 4 keynote spechees. It was a great opportunity to share research and …

Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty – Newsletter 01 of 2023

Mid-term Conference: Uncertain times, unsettled lives? Call for abstracts – April 30th The next ESA RN22 and ISA TG04 Mid-term Conference will take place on 26th & 27th October 2023, at the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg. The theme of our midterm will be ´Uncertain times, unsettled lives? Complex risks and uncertainties in times of crises´, with a …