Dear colleagues,
I hope this email finds you all well.
First, a quick reminder that if you are going to the ESA conference in Porto, tomorrow is the deadline for earlybird (i.e. cheaper) registrations. You can register via
Then, as usual, we are keen to receive items to compile into our next RN22/TG04 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty quarterly newsletter.
If you have information you would like to share with the networks – for example regarding online workshops, conferences, new publications, expressions of interest for collaborative work, research posts, scholarships…and the like, then please drop me an email at:
Items can relate to research into risk and uncertainty across the social sciences and humanities.
If you could please send us items by the end of next week – ie Friday 26th April – we will then try and get the newsletter out shortly after that.
Thanks in advance and kind regards,
Patrick Brown – on behalf of the RN22/TG04 networks