Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty – Newsletter 01 of 2023

Mid-term Conference: Uncertain times, unsettled lives?
Call for abstracts – April 30th

The next ESA RN22 and ISA TG04 Mid-term Conference will take place on 26th & 27th October 2023, at the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg.

The theme of our midterm will be ´Uncertain times, unsettled lives? Complex risks and uncertainties in times of crises´, with a special stream on rural risks in times of regional polarization, climate change and energy transition. Confirmed key-note speakers are Prof. Claudia Mitchell, McGill University, Canada; Professorial Fellow Ian Scoones, University of Sussex, UK and Associate Professor Anders Blok, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

As always, the conference will welcome abstracts from right across the different domains and topics connecting to studies of uncertainty and risk.

Abstracts (max. 300 words), including title, author’s name and affiliation, a maximum of five keywords, should be sent to the by 30th April 2023. Notification of acceptance will take place no later than 30th of June 2023. There are possibilities for PhD students to have some of their conference cost covered. Please, state your eventual interest in such a possibility in your abstract submission letter. We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Esjberg! Please see the conference website for more information.

New journal articles & books

Zinn, Jens (2023). Risk-taking and social inequality. Journal of Sociology, (online first).

Manuel Schulz & Jens Zinn (2023) Rationales of risk and uncertainty and their epistemological foundation by new phenomenology, Journal of Risk Research, 26:3, 219-232,

Bhavna Joshi & Pradip Swarnakar (2022) How fair is our air? The injustice of procedure, distribution, and recognition within the discourse of air pollution in Delhi, India, Environmental Sociology,

Jenske Bal, Bert de Graaff, Margreet C. Vos & Roland Bal (2022). Mediating scarcity in pandemic times – An ethnographic study on the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 infections during the emergence of the corona crisis in the Netherlands, BMC Health Services Research

Charlotte Fabiansson (2023) The Experience and Fear of Violence in the Public RealmHegemonic Ideology and Individual Behaviour. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge

SoRU Newsletter

The Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty (SoRU) newsletter is for members and others interested in the activities of the ESA Research Network (RN22) and ISA Thematic Group (TG04) on the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty.

Stay in touch!

Subscribe to the email list by sending an email with the text ‘subscribe esa-soru’ to mariagrazia.galantino[at]

Visit our website or contact us directly at: degraaff[at]

Follow the research network on Twitter @RiskUncertainty

Latest issue of
Health, Risk & Society 

Volume 25 (1/2)

Special issue: Risk at the Boundaries of Social Work, edited by Rory Crath, Jo Warner & Jeremy Dixon

Rory Crath, Jeremy Dixon & Jo Warner (2023) Risk at the boundaries of social work: an editorial, Health, Risk & Society, 25:1-2, 1-8, DOI: 10.1080/13698575.2023.2172142
Prof. Gabe Mythen & Dr Samantha Weston (2023) Interrogating the deployment of ‘risk’ and ‘vulnerability’ in the context of early intervention initiatives to prevent child sexual exploitation, Health, Risk & Society, 25:1-2, 9-27, DOI: 10.1080/13698575.2022.2150750
Johannes Österholm, Anna Olaison & Annika Taghizadeh Larsson (2023) ‘How shall we handle this situation?’ Social workers’ discussions about risks during the COVID-19 pandemic in Swedish elder care, Health, Risk & Society, 25:1-2, 28-44, DOI: 10.1080/13698575.2022.2154323
Megan Robb & Michelle Mccarthy (2023) Managing risk: social workers’ intervention strategies in cases of domestic abuse against people with learning disabilities, Health, Risk & Society, 25:1-2, 45-60, DOI: 10.1080/13698575.2022.2143169
Joseph Mooney (2023) Personal narratives, public risk: using Foucault’s ‘confessional’ to examine adult retrospective disclosures of childhood abuse, Health, Risk & Society, 25:1-2, 61-74, DOI: 10.1080/13698575.2023.2166019
Ravit Alfandari, Brian J Taylor, Mary Baginsky, Jim Campbell, Duncan Helm, Campbell Killick, Paul Mccafferty, Judith Mullineux, Jane Shears, Alessandro Sicora & Andrew Whittaker (2023) Making Sense of Risk: Social Work at the Boundary between Care and Control, Health, Risk & Society, 25:1-2, 75-92, DOI: 10.1080/13698575.2022.2147904

XX ISA World Congress of Sociology

Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies
Melbourne, Australia – June 25-July 1, 2023

TG04 – The ISA Thematic Group ‘Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty’ is looking forward to an exciting conference with more than 80 presentations in 17 sessions and joined sessions. We are especially looking forward to meeting you in person during our business-meeting (Thursday, 29 June 2023: 19:30 – 20:50, Crown, M6). Please note the registration deadline for presenters is 22 March 2023. 

Call for new members for TG04 Board
With the World Congress in Sociology in Melbourne in June the TG04 presidency of Jens and other board members’ roles will come to an end, and we have to elect new members who are keen to advance risk studies internationally.

We would like to invite everyone who is interested in one of the roles in the board to send a brief paragraph with information about yourself and your intensions (600 to 800 words) to Anna Anderson ( and Jens ( Please also feel free to contact us or any other person from the board to inquire about the positions. Current board members and roles to be found here.

The election will take place online end of May/early June. The new board members will be introduced at our business meeting at the World Congress in Melbourne.


Reminder: Save the date!

The 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association will take place in Porto, Portugal, on 27-30 August 2024 devoted to the theme “Tension, Trust and Transformation”.

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