The new website of Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty in online!
Dear Colleagues,
a new and updated website of Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty is online!
Here you will find news and links to our academic activities all over the world, online archives and resources. A blog section is open to discuss and share about the following topics:
- Decolonizing Risk Sociology (Maria Grazia Galantino, Jens Zinn)
- Intersectionality (Anna Olofsson/Susanna Öhman/Katarina Giritli-Nygren)
- Metropolis (Fabio D’Andrea)
- Environment and Risk (Ignacio Rubio Carriquiriborde)
- Body, Emotions and Risk (Fabio D’Andrea/Jens Zinn)
- Risk and the Media (Brenda Focás)
- Risk and Health (Bert de Graaff)
- and more…
Please feel free to contact the blog coordinators above or the editorial staff ( if you wish to write a post or contribute in other forms (photos,videos, interviews, etc.).
Our special thanks to Fabio D'Andrea and his team at the University of Perugia for implementing and maintaining the website. It is still a work in progress so expect more changes soon.
We count on your inputs and contributions to render our website an informative and useful resource for all those interested in risk and uncertainty research.
Maria Grazia (ESA RN22) & Jens (ISA TG04)
Call for papers
A call for a special issue of Journal of Risk Research (JRR) on Intersectional Analysis of risk, edited by Katarina Giritli Nygren, Anna Olofsson and Susanna Öhman, will open soon.
The call invites insights and viewpoints from scholars regarding intersectional analyses of risks associated with inequality on an individual, group or community level, including analyses of individual perception and behaviour, policy, mass media and discourses.
More details soon on the journal webpage.
Call for papers for a Sociology of Vaccines collection which aims to provide a sociological analysis of the breadth of social and cultural issues surrounding vaccination. The scope encompasses studies of existing issues as well as emerging trends and welcomes papers with an international focus.
Submission deadline: 1st August 2022
More info available here.
Call for Proposals for an edited book on Gender and the Built and Natural Environment to be published by Emerald – Advances in Gender Research
Editors: Vasilikie Demos & Marcia Texler Segal
Proposals must be at least 500 words and include details about the research question, theory, methods, and any findings by August 15.
All correspondence should be sent to both editors and
Final Versions due February 15, 2023
Projected Publication: 2023
SoRU Newsletter
The Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty (SoRU) newsletter is for members and others interested in the activities of the ESA Research Network (RN22) and ISA Thematic Group (TG04) on the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty.
Stay in touch!
Subscribe to the email list by sending an email with the text ‘subscribe esa-soru’ to mariagrazia.galantino[at]
Visit our website and engage directly by contacting us: degraaff[at]
Follow the research network on Twitter @RiskUncertainty
Join us and start sharing info in our Linkedin group
XX ISA World Congress of Sociology
Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies
Melbourne, Australia – June 25-July 1, 2023
Thematic Group sociology of Risk and Uncertainty received interesting thematic proposals for sessions and panels.
Abstract submission will be open from July 1 to September 30, 2022.
We will keep you updated!
The 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association will take place in Porto, Portugal, on 27-30 August 2024 devoted to the theme “ Tension, Trust and Transformation”.
Actualizing Robert Castel’s Legacy: The International Circulation and Reception of his Work
April 3 and 4, 2023
Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers-Paris, France
More info here.
6th SRA-E Benelux Conference “Risk Perception: From Science to Policy”
October 4th, 2022
Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Abstracts can be submitted (until Friday June 17th) via:
More info on the Conference webpage.